Part 6: Day 7 -- Shed some light on the situation
Day 7 -- Shed some light on the situation

VIDEO WARNING: My mic levels are a little hot for like the first minute. It's all good, though. Don't worry about it. I'm not worried about it.
I switched to Wii Remote + Nunchuck controls, and I really like it! We start the day looking for the "cartoonish face with a boulder for a nose," and end up actually having a pretty successful, kind of uneventful day.
I was sipping on Orange + Mango (Pikmin names to be revealed later in this series) with a splash of Zest Bomb and tequila. Sean and Grant had a Face Wrinkler with Zest Bomb and tequila.

e: I cut off the video too soon. Here's the journal entry for that day.